5 Interesting Facts About Little Marbled Scorpions

Little Marbled Scorpion

Here is a little marbled scorpion just wandering around

I recently had a request from Ethan, one of my readers, to write about a species of scorpion that he found in his house, the little marbled scorpion.

Here are five interesting facts about them:

  1. These little guys only grow to about 3.5 cm long.
  2. Whilst most scorpions live alone, these guys can be found in small groups of up to 10 or more.
  3. Little marbled scorpions eat small insects, especially termites.  Like other scorpions, they have a sting in their tail, but they are not considered harmful to people, although a sting from them is painful.
  4. Like other scorpions, these guys glow in the dark when placed under a UV light which makes them easy to find in the dark.
  5. Little marbled scorpions are found throughout southern Australia and are one of only three species that is found in Melbourne.  They can be found under bark, in leaf litter, under piles of rocks or logs and can even wander into people’s houses sometimes.

I hope that you found these facts interesting and learned something new.

Are there any other interesting facts that you would like to share about little marbled scorpions?

3 thoughts on “5 Interesting Facts About Little Marbled Scorpions

  1. We found one in armidale, nsw. Carrying a cricket his size, on his back, holding it with one pincer. Are they normally this far up?

  2. Im in Newcastle, nsw. Just found one on the inside of my front door. Is there likely to be a whole family of them? How can I discourage them coming into my house?

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