5 Interesting Facts About Southern Brown Bandicoots

Here is a southern brown bandicoot looking for some food

Here is a southern brown bandicoot looking for some food

Last week, my class went on an excursion to the Cranbourne Botanic Gardens, where I saw a little animal that looked like a large brown rat.  Our guide told us that it was a bandicoot, in fact, it was a southern brown bandicoot.

Here are five interesting facts about them: Continue reading


5 Interesting Facts About Australian Bombardier Beetles

Australian Bombardier Beetle

Look out, it’s an Australian bombardier beetle!

Beetles make up about 25% of all animal species, with approximately 400,000 different kinds identified by scientists and more being discovered all the time.  Today I want to write about a cool looking beetle that you don’t want to mess with, the Australian bombardier beetle.

Here are five interesting facts about them: Continue reading